meet the volante team

Willow and David founded Volante Design in 2013. It started when they launched a coat called the Eagle. The rest as they say is history.


CMO & Founder

Which fictional world would you want to live in? If I had to live in a fictional world, I’d be a hobbit living quietly in the shire, brewing beer, growing a garden and generally eating well.

What's the first game you ever remember playing? The first game that I remember playing is the pocket nintendo gameboy version of super mario world.


CEO, Designer, & Founder

Which fictional world would you want to live in? The fictional world I would choose to live in is that of the live action Speed Racer movie. Gimme a world where the economy revolves around fantastical car races and the safely mechanism of a car crash is a soft ball of super-expanding foam. Jackals, headhunters, thugs, and all.

What's the first game you ever remember playing? The first game I remember actively asking to buy was a Mega Man game. The clerk at the store very helpfully recommended MM3 because “that’s when they added the slide mechanic.”


Director of Operations

Which fictional world would you want to live in? I think I'd live in the fantasy world of Shrek because there's magic and fairy tails, but it's also ridiculous.

What's the first game you ever remember playing? My first game I played the crap out of was the original Metroid on NES.

David Y.

Fulfillment Lead & Production Cutter

Which fictional world would you want to live in? I would want to live on the original U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701.

What's the first game you ever remember playing? I don't remember the name, but it was a cowboy shoot out arcade game.


Customer Service and Warehouse Manager

Which fictional world would you want to live in? Probably the Destiny universe; it's my favorite game and I'd love to explore the stars as a super-powered, immortal guardian.

What's the first game you ever remember playing? I remember playing Super Mario World for the Super NES with my cousins at a very young age.


Creative Coordinator

Which fictional world would you want to live in? Hands down the Final Fantasy XIV universe. When I'm not exploring the high-tech wonders of Solution Nine, I'll be vacationing on the lush beaches of Tural.

What's the first game you ever remember playing? It would have to be Super Mario Bros for the NES. I probably started playing as early as 5 years old with hand-me-downs from my older sisters.


Content Creator

Which fictional world would you want to live in? Easy. Star Trek. That way I can use the Holodeck simulate to any fictional world without any danger. Unless of course the Holodeck malfunctions… Which it almost certainly would… Uh... Am I allowed to start over?

What's the first game you ever remember playing? Probably Super Mario Bros. I wasn’t any good at it at 3 years old, but I liked the funny little animation of Mario jumping up into a ball when he got hit. So, you know… I made the most of it.


Data Analyst

Which fictional world would you want to live in? I'd pick Azeroth (World of Warcraft) because it's so very familiar to me after all these years

What's the first game you ever remember playing? The first Crash Bandicoot is forever burned in my memory, my parents bought me a Playstation for christmas when I was 8 years old